Monache Meadows
[Photographer unknown]
At the South Fork Kern River are Monache/ Beck Meadows, peaceful, flower studded meadows with bears grazing at dawn and dusk. Olancha Peak graces the vast meadows. It's a perfect place for an early season backpack when the High Sierra is still under snow. |
photos are courtsey of Donna Reynolds unless otherwise noted.
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Bob White and William (Bill) Carrasco in Monache Meadows
Joni Carrasco writes:
I wanted to help you out with the info on your site. The cowboy in this picture with Bob White is my father William (Bill) Carrasco. He is part of the Gill family who also show up in a 1951 picture of the Monache Rodeo. He an Bob White discovered a lost propeller from a ship in Owen's Lake, some time in the 1950's. Bill Carrasco was born in 1920 and worked for many of the pack stations in Lone Pine, up to the 1960's. He was also a stunt man and livestock contractor for many of the movies filmed in the Alabama Hills from 1938 on. The last movie he work on was Silverado in 1984-1985.
December 2013

Cowboy rodeo at Monache Meadows - 1920

L to R: Wilson Thomas, Wendell Gill, Pete Olivas, Freddie Simpson, Leaky Olivas, Clesar Girand, Roy (Gabe) Gill, Pete Garner, Buddy Garner
Owens Valley Cowboys - 1951
Shortly after this photo was taken, Wendell Gill went to work for Disneyland when it opened, driving the covered wagons. He then left and went to work for Knotts Berry Farm and drove the stagecoaches until he retired. Love looking through all these old pic and seeing family again.
Leilaune Holtz
March 2016z |
